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10 healthy habits for everyday life

10 healthy habits for everyday life

10 healthy habits for everyday life


The hectic pace of life often makes us forget about the most important thing - our health. Taking care of our diet, staying active and getting enough rest, along with other healthy lifestyle habits, can help us to improve our physical and mental health.

Don't know where to start? Here are 10 simple habits to incorporate into your everyday life that will make you feel better!


1.     Start the day with a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and, if we choose healthy and quality food, it can provide us with the energy and nutrients necessary to face the toughest of days ahead.

The options are endless, but we should aim to include satisfying and nutritious foods such as fruit, cereals and whole grains (such as organic quinoa flakes), yoghurts, vegetable drinks, and healthy fats. If you're stuck for ideas, get inspired with these 5 quick quinoa breakfasts!


2.     Include more vegetable proteins in your diet

Increasing consumption of vegetable protein can mean an improvement both for our health and for environmental sustainability.

The production of plant-based proteins has a much lower environmental impact, compared to animal proteins. Our bodies need protein, to increase and preserve muscle mass, and to maintain bone strength. Where can we find plant-based proteins? In legumes, quinoa or nuts, for example, which are all a good natural source.

Adding more plant protein to your diet shouldn't be dull or boring. Don't believe it? Try this vegan quinoa and adzuki bean burger, or this one with quinoa and sweet potato.


3.     Make refreshing dinners

The relentless summer heat often goes hand in hand with unhealthy eating. We spend fewer hours at home, and we are less inclined to go into the kitchen to cook.

Choosing simple and refreshing options will help us to better survive the heat, and to continue to take care of our health.

Include fresh and seasonal foods in your dinners.

Here are some examples of refreshing dinners:

  • Melon and cucumber soup with hard-boiled egg
  • Watermelon gazpacho with grilled tofu cubes
  • Tomato, onion, lamb's lettuce, avocado and quinoa salad with lemon juice and fresh mint leaves

Treat yourself to a dessert with our range of organic ice cream!


4.     Plan the menu in advance

When we consider healthier eating, it is essential to get well-organised.

Planning in advance what we are going to cook through the week will avoid that situation of getting home hungry and eating the first thing that we can find, as we can't bear to spend time thinking about what to eat!


5.     One of the most important habits - stay hydrated

Maintaining a good level of hydration is important all year round, but especially in summer. Water helps to improve our digestion, eliminate toxins from our body, feel more satiated and, above all, it regulates body temperature, protecting us from heat stroke.

We can also include other food and drink in addition to water that help us achieve a good state of hydration.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a good option, as they are rich in water and nutrients, as are vegetable drinks or yoghurts. If you prefer, combine them with each other, for example, a red fruit smoothie and a quinoa and rice drink.


6.     Physical activity is among the most important habits.

Physical activity is as important as healthy eating - or even more so. It is not essential that you join a gym to stay active, you can simply start to incorporate more movement into your daily routine. How? Here are some examples:

  • Avoid taking the lift, and take the stairs whenever you can.
  • Park a little further from work and take the opportunity to increase your step count.
  • If you use public transport, do the same, by getting off a few stops earlier.


7.     Share moments with your loved ones

Having time for ourselves is important to disconnect, get our head straight and clear the mind in general. But just as we need time alone, we mustn't forget that good times shared with our friends and family can be some of the most liberating moments of the day.

Taking a walk in good company, sharing a table for dinner, going on a bike ride with friends, or sharing any activity with your loved ones, could be just what you need to release the stress of a long day!


8.     Take care of your emotions

If our body constantly lives in a state of stress, or negative emotions, it can cause us health problems in the long run.

Incorporate activities that help you to be more relaxed into your daily life, such as reading, walking, yoga or meditation.


9.     Connect with nature

We live so immersed in hectic daily life and so glued to our screens, that we can easily forget the benefits that nature can bring us. Try to connect with nature whenever you can.


10.  End the day with another important healthy habit - rest

A minimum of 7 hours sleep helps us to have enough energy to face the activities of the day.

When we are well-rested, we concentrate better and we are in a better mood. This is why rest is just as important as healthy eating or exercise!


Try to incorporate these little habits that we suggest to you at Quinua Real. You will see how easy they are, and how good they make you feel!


* Quesada D. et al. ¿Proteínas de origen vegetal o de origen animal?: Una mirada a su impacto sobre la salud y el medio ambiente. Rev. Nutr. Clin. Metab. 2019;2(1):79-86.

* Salas Salvadó, J. et al.  (2020). The importance of water consumption in health and disease prevention: the current situation. Nutricion hospitalaria: organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Parenteral y Enteral, 37(5), 1072–1086.